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Epica - We Will Take You With Us [CD]

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Banda: Epica
Gothic Metal
Album: We Will Take You With Us [CD]
Sin pass

1. Façade Of Reality (We Will Take You With Us)
2. Sensorium (We Will Take You With Us)
3. Illusive Consensus (We Will Take You With Us)
4. Cry For The Moon (We Will Take You With Us)
5. The Phantom Agony (We Will Take You With Us)
6. Seif Al Din (We Will Take You With Us)
7. Feint (Accoustic) (We Will Take You With Us)
8. Run For A Fall (Accoustic) (We Will Take You With Us)
9. Memory (Accoustic) (From Cats) (We Will Take You With Us)

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[†] Eligor Siniestro [†] (2009) - (2011) | Diseñado por: Eligor!